
upsetr 高级参数使用教程 -凯发k8天生赢家一触即发


在《upsetr:多数据集绘图可视化处理利器》中我们介绍了 upsetr 的一些概念和绘图基础使用,今天我们来学习一下 upsetr 的 queries 和 attribute.plots 这两个参数的使用。

queries 参数

queries 参数里面的每一个 list 都是由四个部分组成:query, param, color, active。


param:参数,查询函数(query)作用于哪些数据集,是一个 list。

color:每个 query 在绘图中的颜色,没设置的话将调用 upsetr 默认的调色板。

active:决定 query 将如何表示在图上。true,intersection size 条形图将会被 query 中的条形图覆盖;false,intersection size 条形图将会被加上一个三角形(a jitter point),这个三角形的位置是波动性的。


本示例展示了如何通过内置的交集查询(intersection query)intersects 去查找并展示特定的交集元素(elements in specific intersections)。本示例中 active query 的颜色来源于 upsetr 中默认的调色板。

upset(movies, queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("drama", "comedy", "action"), color = "orange", active = t), 
    list(query = intersects, params = list("drama"), color = "red", active = f),
    list(query = intersects, params = list("action", "drama"), active = t)))


drama, comedy, action 的交集(10)已经变成了橘色(color="orange"),上方的 intersection size 条形图已经被橘色的条形图覆盖(active=t);

action, drama 的交集(68)也变成了默认的蓝色。

drama 的圆点变成了红色(color="red"),上方的 intersection size 条形图顶部被一个红色的三角形覆盖(active=f)。


本示例展示了如何通过内置的元素查询(element query)函数 elements 可视化展示特定的元素在交集中是如何分布的。

upset(movies, queries = list(list(query = elements, params = list("avgrating", 3.5, 4.1), color = "blue", active = t), 
    list(query = elements, params = list("releasedate", 1980, 1990, 2000), color = "red", active = f)))


蓝色的条形图表示,默认的 6 个数据集中符合 avgrating == 3.5 或者 avgrating == 4.1 在各个集合中的个数分布。

红色三角形表示,6 个数据集中符合 releasedate==1980, 1990, 2000 在各个集合中的分布,它们的位置存在波动性(active = f)。


本示例展示如何通过使用 expression 参数获取交集和元素查询的子集(subset the results of element and intersection queries)。

upset(movies, queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("action", "drama"), active = t), 
    list(query = elements, params = list("releasedate", 1980, 1990, 2000), color = "red", active = f)),
    expression = "avgrating > 3 & watches > 100")



# creating a custom query to operate on the rows of the data.
myfunc <- function(row, release, rating) {
    data <- (row["releasedate"] %in% release) & (row["avgrating"] > rating)

# applying the created query to the queries parameter.
upset(movies, queries = list(list(query = myfunc, params = list(c(1970, 1980, 1990, 1999, 2000), 2.5), color = "blue", active = t)))



upsetr 可以通过使用 query.legend 添加 queries 的图例。query.legend 的位置可以在头部(top)或者底部(bottom);我们也可以使用 query.name 参数在 queries 中给每一个 query 自定义指定的名称。

upset(movies, query.legend = "top", queries = list(list(query = intersects, 
    params = list("drama", "comedy", "action"), color = "orange", active = t,
    query.name = "funny action"), list(query = intersects, params = list("drama"),
    color = "red", active = f), list(query = intersects, params = list("action",
    "drama"), active = t, query.name = "emotional action")))


示例6:queries 绘图总结


upset(movies, query.legend = "bottom", queries = list(list(query = myfunc, params = list(c(1970, 
    1980, 1990, 1999, 2000), 2.5), color = "orange", active = t), list(query = intersects,
    params = list("action", "drama"), active = f), list(query = elements, params = list("releasedate",
    1980, 1990, 2000), color = "red", active = f, query.name = "decades")),
    expression = "avgrating > 3 & watches > 100")


attribute.plots 参数

attribute.plots 主要是用于添加属性图,内置有柱形图、散点图、热图等。该参数被分解成 3 部分:gridrows, plots, 以及 ncols。

gridrows:用于指定扩展绘图窗口以增加属性图的空间。upsetr 默认是在 100 x 100 的网格上进行绘图的,因此如果我们将网格(gridrows)设置为 50,则新的网格布局将变成 150 x 100,为属性图留出 1/3 的网格空间。

plots:接收一个参数列表,这些参数包括 plot, x, y(如果适用的话),以及 queries。

plot:一个返回 ggplot 的函数。

x:ggplot 图形中的 x 轴标题(string)。

y:ggplot 图形中的 y 轴标题(string)。

queries:指示是否将当前的 queries 与绘图重叠。如果 queries 为 true,属性图(attribute plot)将会被来源于查询(queries)的数据覆盖;否则,查询结果将不会绘制在属性图上。

ncols:指示如何在 gridrows 空间中绘制图形。如果输入了 2 个属性图(attribute plots)且 ncols=1,属性图将会纵向一个个排列;如果输入了 2 个属性图(attribute plots)且 ncols=2,属性图将并排显示。


本示例展示了如何在 upsetr 中添加一个内置直方属性图。如果 main.bar.color 未指定为黑色,则包含在黑色 intersection size 柱状条中的元素将在属性图中表示为灰色。

upset(movies, main.bar.color = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, 
    params = list("drama"), active = t)), attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 50,
    plots = list(list(plot = histogram, x = "releasedate", queries = f), list(plot = histogram,
        x = "avgrating", queries = t)), ncols = 2))



本示例展示了如何在 upsetr 中添加一个内置散点属性图。需要注意的是,在本示例中使用了 query.legend。

upset(movies, main.bar.color = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("drama"), color = "red", active = f),
    list(query = intersects, params = list("action", "drama"), active = t),
    list(query = intersects, params = list("drama", "comedy", "action"), color = "orange", active = t)),
    attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 45, plots = list(list(plot = scatter_plot, x = "releasedate", y = "avgrating", queries = t),
        list(plot = scatter_plot, x = "avgrating", y = "watches", queries = f)), ncols = 2),
    query.legend = "bottom")



myplot <- function(mydata, x, y) {
    plot <- (ggplot(data = mydata, aes_string(x = x, y = y, colour = "color"))
        geom_point() scale_color_identity() theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,
        0, 0, 0), "cm")))

another.plot <- function(data, x, y) {
    data$decades <- round_any(as.integer(unlist(data[y])), 10, ceiling)
    data <- data[which(data$decades >= 1970), ]
    myplot <- (ggplot(data, aes_string(x = x)) geom_density(aes(fill = factor(decades)),
        alpha = 0.4) theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm"), legend.key.size = unit(0.4,


使用上面定义的 myplot 应用于 upsetr 绘图。

upset(movies, main.bar.color = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, 
    params = list("drama"), color = "red", active = f), list(query = intersects,
    params = list("action", "drama"), active = t), list(query = intersects,
    params = list("drama", "comedy", "action"), color = "orange", active = t)),
    attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 45, plots = list(list(plot = myplot, x = "releasedate",
        y = "avgrating", queries = t), list(plot = another.plot, x = "avgrating",
        y = "releasedate", queries = f)), ncols = 2))



综合示例 1 的内置直方图、示例 2 的内置散点图,以及示例 3 的自定义属性图,绘图如下:

upset(movies, main.bar.color = "black", mb.ratio = c(0.5, 0.5), queries = list(list(query = intersects, 
    params = list("drama"), color = "red", active = f), list(query = intersects,
    params = list("action", "drama"), active = t), list(query = intersects,
    params = list("drama", "comedy", "action"), color = "orange", active = t)),
    attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 50, plots = list(list(plot = histogram,
        x = "releasedate", queries = f), list(plot = scatter_plot, x = "releasedate",
        y = "avgrating", queries = t), list(plot = myplot, x = "avgrating",
        y = "watches", queries = f)), ncols = 3))



箱线图(box plots)可以展示所有交集的点属性分布,交集箱线图可以一次性最多展示 2 个箱线图的总体情况。boxplot.summary 参数接收包含 1 个或者 2 个属性名称的向量数据(vector)。

upset(movies, boxplot.summary = c("avgrating", "releasedate"))


关于 upsetr 包的使用就介绍到这里,该包的其他一些用法,如 incorporating set metadata 可以参考官方文档,或者查看 upsetr 在 github 的源码。

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